Is Your Brand the Music or the Noise?

brand leadership branding Feb 21, 2018

How are you with catching and and KEEPING your potential clients' and tribe members' attention? 

Are you the kind of brand that your peeps can't wait to get more of? Do they eagerly await your next social media post or newsletter? Spend hours watching your YouTube videos, IGTV channel (so psyched about this new platform!) or reading your blog?


Do they pop on and pop off 5 seconds later because you caught their attention but couldn't keep them interested?

It's an important question to ask yourself because with so much distraction and noise in the online world, ATTENTION is today’s highest currency. 

If you aren’t catching and KEEPING the attention of your ideal tribe members and clients, your business will get lost in the noise... and that means less impact, less clients, and less money for you.

I get it - it can feel overwhelming and discouraging to put so much time and effort into catching and keeping attention on your brand when there is SO MUCH online noise and distraction. Why even try when there’s so much competition, right?

Here's why:

Most of the noise is just that - NOISE. The online world is a free for all, which means there's a lot of crap being shared on the web that your potential clients and tribe members have grown savvy to. They've learned to shut out the noise.

So here's where you can have an advantage - if instead of adding to the noise, you are the beautiful music that catches the ears and touches the hearts of your ideal clients/tribe members so deeply that they simply HAVE to listen because they don’t want to miss a beat.

Be the music, not the noise.

Now for the million-dollar question: HOW?

To be the music and not the noise you’ve gotta keep your content, and how you show up as the leader of your tribe relevant and cutting edge. 

Now, I’m going to assume that we’re starting with the foundation that: 

You know who your ideal client is 
2. You're clear about your brand - who you are, what you stand for, your personality, your message, etc.
3. Your services are top quality and desirable

Without these 3 things, it doesn’t matter how cutting edge you are, and you surely can’t be relevant. 

If you don’t have these things down yet - email me and we'll talk. I can help you:-) 

So now that we’re on the same page about our foundation, here are 3 ways to keep your personal brand relevant and cutting edge.

1. Keep Your Soul Fire Lit

I talked about this recently when I shared about my Oregon road trip.

To recap: you MUST invest time into activities, adventures and relationships that light you up... outside your biz. This ensures that when you show up in your biz, you are lit up - and only lit up, vibrant souls can catch and keep attention in the noisy online world.

People want to follow people who are lit up!

2. Stay Cutting Edge with Your Strategies

Strategies are great, but they don't matter if you're not lit up, so don't disregard the importance of #1 above before you dive into the strategies below, ok?

Here are some strategies, that if you're not doing, you need to start:

VIDEO - 100 million internet users watch online video everyday. On average, videos get 135% more organic reach than images, status, and link posts. In fact, 82% of consumers surveyed for one recent study said they favor live video over other types of social posts.
(source: 18-video-marketing-statistics)

LIVE VIDEO - Just like videos are given preference over text and image posts, live videos are given preference over all posts on Facebook.

The reason is that users spend 3 times more time watching live videos than normal videos. They also comment more than 10x more during live videos. 

Live video are great because they provide an opportunity to establish close relationships with your viewers; plus, the real-time nature makes people feel intimately involved, even when the video is being broadcast to thousands of people.

(Source: content-marketing-trends-2018)

INSTAGRAM - When Mercedes-Benz shared a post on Facebook recently it received more than 10,000 Likes. Impressive … until you consider that the very same image on Instagram generated more than 150,000 Likes.

A recent study showed that brands are getting 3 times more engagement on Instagram when compared apples-to-apples with Facebook. On Twitter, meanwhile, engagement rates can be less than 1/30th what they are on Instagram. Wowzers! Get on Instagram if you're not already!
(Source: 2017-social-media-industry-benchmark-report)

And now, with Instagram's recent release of IGTV, we're seeing Instagram and video joining together to create one powerful strategy! I'm eagerly watching to see how IGTV unfolds and will be starting my own channel soon! Stay tuned!

3. Focus your marketing on what’s NOT being overdone

With so much online noise, a great way catch and keep attention on your brand is to go old school. Yep, get offline and focus on real, human connection, in LIVE environments where there is far less distraction.

Examples of this could be to start your own Meetup group or focus on live speaking where you have everyone’s attention in the room. 

Now, I'm not saying to ditch the strategies above, especially if your goal is to build a global empire - you'll definitely need to be online... but live speaking and events is an excellent strategy to add to the mix to catch and keep attention on your brand!

Another way to focus your marketing on what's NOT being overdone is to niche down. Meaning - get super specific about what your brand does and for whom.

This is important in an online world where more and more entrepreneurs are entering the scene every day, fighting for the same audience's attention.

For example, instead of being a business coach for entrepreneurs, consider your background and areas of expertise, then niche down to focus on that - perhaps you are a business coach for naturopaths, a business coach for moms, or a business coach for 7-figure entrepreneurs.

Niching down makes you stand out. You immediately become more desirable and trustworthy to a particular type of person who will look over all the generalists out there and come directly to you! 

So my daring entrepreneur, the question remains: 

Does your brand catch and KEEP your potential clients' and tribe members' attention? 

Which strategy will you commit to implementing above to ensure that it does?

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