My Signature Branding Process, Explained
Jul 23, 2021If you’ve been considering working with me to uplevel your brand … this blog post is for you! Join me as I walk you, step-by-step, through what it looks like to work with me in my signature program: “The Million-Dollar Brand Makeover”.
- I’ll outline the 6 key steps in my process and share why it’s absolutely essential to follow these steps (in this order) to grow your brand to 6 or 7 figures.
- Give you 4 questions you can ask yourself to determine if investing in your brand, at this level, is the best decision for you now.
- Explain the difference between working with me and hiring a graphic designer to create your logo (because it’s very different!).
But first, let’s get on the same page. Branding is so much more than a fancy logo and pretty color palette. Your brand is the promise of an experience that needs to be consistently delivered everywhere your business shows up. One of the most common misconceptions about branding is that it’s all in the visuals. However, the truth is that impactful personal brands start with you, your values, beliefs, mission and vision.
One thing all impactful brands have in common is they send a clear message to your audience so they know who you are, what you’re about, and what you offer (and therefore, they can easily decide if they want to work with you). Sending a clear message starts with the foundations of what you’re communicating and how you’re communicating it – in other words, it starts with your brand.
My Branding Process
I work with coaches, consultants, therapists, healers, and service-based entrepreneurs who are the face of their brands.This is the kind of business I, myself, have run for the past 11 years, and the type of business that I’ve helped many entrepreneurs from across the globe refine and scale.
And now, I'm on a mission to help purpose-driven, women entrepreneurs (like you!) break the cycle of being underpaid, playing small and missing out on opportunities that could take their business to the next level of impact. Because really, your brilliance is too bad-ass to keep buried under a layer of self-doubt, confusion and overwhelm one second longer!
Step 1: Uncovering Your Authentic Brand Personality
To begin your brand makeover (which takes a total of about 12 weeks), we’ll start with two, 2-hour coaching sessions on Zoom where we’ll uncover your authentic brand personality, audience and brand voice before we begin designing your brand visuals ... and if you choose to continue working with me beyond your brand, together, we’ll create your offerings and devise the best marketing strategies to help you reach your goals.
A solid start to understanding your brand is through Power Profiles and Brand Archetypes. When you infuse the power of these tools into your brand, you create instant familiarity and emotional connection with your audience. Although they may not realize it, they trust you more because they understand who you are and what you stand for.
It’s absolutely critical to note that branding isn’t about changing who you are. An authentic brand can only be built from your truth, which is why you are the foundation of your brand. Through your brand, you’ll communicate your personality, point of view, values, intolerances, interests, credentials, and so much more – these things are what set the foundation to build an authentic, beautiful, and impactful brand that will resonate with your ideal clients. Without these elements, your brand will always be missing something.
Step 2: Aligning Your Brand with the Right Audience
While infusing yourself into your brand is important – it’s also important to express yourself and your brand to the right audience. Being clear about your audience’s goals, dreams, challenges, fears and even day-to-day lifestyle, helps you communicate with them in a way that speaks to their hearts and souls.
Understanding who your brand aims to attract is key to ensuring that your brand's voice, visuals, offerings and marketing strategies (coming up next in my process) not only reflect your truth, but also meet your ideal clients where they’re motivated to take action (ideally in the form of working with you!).
When we work together in my signature branding process, the second step is getting you crystal clear about your ideal client. We’ll create an in-depth ideal client profile where we’ll outline everything you need to know about your audience so you can communicate with them in a way that inspires them to choose you as their guide.
Why isn’t clarifying your audience the first step in my process?
Well, if you don’t build your brand based on your truth first, you’ll end up contriving yourself into someone you’re not to meet the needs and expectations of others. This is sustainable, fun or fulfilling … nor is it authentic!
When you stand strong in who you are and show up in complete confidence around that, you’ll be able to attract people who love you (and want to pay you, just for being you!) … without feeling like you’re being manipulative, sleazy or untrue in the process.
Step 3: Uncovering Your Brand Voice
Finding your brand voice and knowing how and what to communicate with your audience, is essential for any personal brand and service-based business owner. Your brand voice is the expression of your personality, beliefs, and values through your written and spoken word and it’s just as important (if not more important) than your brand visuals.
So what exactly does your brand voice look like in real life? Well, your brand voice is expressed through things like your business name, title, tagline, words and phrases, bio, brand story, program names, blog posts, social content and more!
In my signature branding process, I’ll work closely with you on each of these items to develop a clear and consistent brand voice that attracts your ideal clients.
Why is uncovering your brand voice step 3 in my process? Because an authentic, memorable and compelling brand voice needs to be built from your truth (step 1), while taking your audience’s goals, dreams, struggles, etc. into account (step 2).
Step 4: Designing Your Brand Visuals
Finally, we’re to your brand visuals.
Notice that designing your visuals doesn’t come until step 4 in my process!
I get it, brand visuals are the exciting part - what most of us imagine when we think of “branding” … but there's a good reason we don’t start with visuals in my process: I’ve seen way too many eager entrepreneurs waste time and money investing in their visual brand, only to be disappointed because it doesn’t feel like “them.”
If you want to LOVE your brand, of course, it’s gotta feel like you; and to feel like you, you MUST do the deep discovery work I take my clients through in steps 1, 2, and 3.
Otherwise your visuals will fall flat, you’ll work with designer after designer who just “doesn’t get you” and you’ll end up wasting tons of time and money in the process (more on how unfair it is to expect designers to “get you” when you don’t even get yourself later).
So, what does your visual branding package include when you work with me?
It’s so much more than just a logo. Your brand visuals will include your logo (in multiple variations for use in different contexts across your brand) … PLUS ... a custom color palette, font system, patterns/textures, icons, imagery guidelines, digital collateral (like social media graphics and banners) and print collateral (like business cards and thank you cards).
As soon as we complete steps 1-3 in my process, we’ll get to work designing your visual brand with one of the world-class designers on my team (I will guide this process so you never feel stranded). I’ve literally searched the globe to find the BEST designers who meet my high-standards because I understand that your brand is an expression of your soul and I want you to love it for years to come.
Step 5: Creating Your Brand Offerings
Your brand offerings (like programs, courses, memberships and services) are where all the awesomeness of what you do reaches out into the world and helps the people who need it most.
If we choose to work together beyond designing your visual brand (there’s a less expensive option to work with me through steps 1-4 only, or continue on with steps 5 and 6, which we’re getting to now), I’ll help you create signture offers that align with what your ideal clients want and are willing to pay for.
Creating your offers happen in step 5 because when you complete steps 1-4 first, your offers will STAND OUT, instead of looking and sounding like everyone else’s on the internet!
Step 6: Strategizing Your Marketing Activities
Lastly, your marketing activities are the places where your brand connects with the world.
Having an authentic and beautiful brand is great, but it doesn’t do any good if your ideal clients don’t see it!
That’s why your brand needs to be backed by marketing strategies that will put you in front of the people who need you most. When your brand is consistent through each marketing activity, you become remembered, which leads to more sales and impact!
When we work together in step 6, I’ll help you choose the best marketing activities to reach your goals. For personal brand’s like yours, I’m a huge fan of high-touch, high-value marketing activities where your audience gets a sense of your personality and expertise, quickly building the connection and trust they need to choose to work with you.
Evaluating each of these individual pieces on their own, and then combining them to form what will become your brand, is how an impactful brand is built and how I guide my clients in my signature branding process.
How to Know if It’s the Right Time to Invest in Your Brand
Investing in your brand is a big decision, and one that can be hard to make. Here are a few questions I recommend asking yourself before deciding if it's time to invest in your brand.
Am I ready?
If you have a good idea of what you want to do and who you want to help, then you may just be ready to invest in your brand. However, if you don't know or are still deciding on the foundational aspects of your business, then it's best to clarify these things before investing in your brand.
Can I afford it?
I truly believe in the power of investing. So, if you're like most people and don't have a few extra thousand dollars lying around, think about what you could do to make back your investment. How many clients do you need to enroll or courses do you need to sell?
Am I thinking about investing time and/or money into marketing my business?
Branding and marketing go hand-in-hand, they essentially can't exist without one another. If you're going to seriously invest time/money into marketing your business, then having a great brand will help your marketing efforts be more memorable and impactful.
Do I want my business to reach six or seven figures?
Branding is essential for business owners who want to scale their business and make a global impact. However, if your goal is to keep your biz small and work with a handful of clients by referral, then you may not need to invest in your brand.
For more insight on deciding if you’re ready to invest in your brand, check out this blog post.
Brand Strategist v. Graphic Designer
I’m not a designer, I’m a Brand Strategist and Business Coach. My background is in psychology, business development, communications and coaching and my work with you is all about strategically building your business and brand to attract clients, fill your programs and build your community!
Contacting a graphic designer before you've done your brand discovery work and saying "hey, I want you to design my brand" is a big mistake that can cost you lots of money (and time) down the road.
While most graphic designers are skilled at design, what they're generally not skilled at is knowing how to represent your brand in a way that’s authentic to you without you telling them what that means (knowing what’s authentic to you is your job, not theirs … so if you’re not clear about who you are and what you want your brand to represent … it’s not fair to expect a graphic designer to intuitively capture your brand essence without the proper guidance).
That’s why, if you want a complete brand identity that strategically links you to the clients you want to attract through beautiful visuals, clear messaging and signature offers designed to position your business for greater income, impact and opportunities … then you’ll love working with me.
Why You Need a Brand Strategist Who “Gets” It
I know what it’s like to constantly hear online “gurus” giving you different advice about the things you “have” to do to be successful – and I know just how confusing (and frustrating) that can be.
The thing about my branding process is that it’s not based on trends. It's based on timeless, proven principles that will help your business grow no matter which business model or marketing strategy you choose to pursue.
I’ve been where you might be now – hustling so hard that you end up burnt out and physically sick, feeling hopeless or discouraged by all the competition out there, and having little to no confidence in who you are, what you stand for, and what you do. Since I’ve been there before, I’ve also learned how to come back from that place more powerful and impactful than ever.
One thing I’ve learned from investing in, and upleveling my own brand over the years, is that when I upgrade my brand, it has a way of powerfully upgrading my energy and mindset too, giving me the courage and confidence to leap forward in ways that felt unimaginable before.
If you’re ready to say a big, bold yes to feeling unstoppable, making a bigger impact, feeling aligned with your business, attracting more clients and opportunities, and taking your brand to its fullest potential, then check out my Million Dollar Brand Makeover program and learn more about how we can work together!