What a Personal Brand is NOT: Busting 7 Common Branding Myths

What a Personal Brand is NOT: Busting 7 Common Branding Myths

branding Mar 31, 2023

Before you get started building your brand, it's important to understand what branding is (and what it's not!) and how it fits into the context of your business. 

A brand is the promise of an experience that's consistently delivered everywhere your business shows up.

If you’re a coach, healer or online expert we need to take this concept of branding a step further because you’re not just building a brand; you’re building a personal brand. This means you need to create a brand experience based on your identity—your personality, values, point of view, passions, etc.

Building a brand experience based on your identity is so important, because it’s not so much about the service you sell or the content you share … people choose to buy from you or follow you because they like YOU! And they will only know if they like you through the brand experience you create for them – this is, in a nutshell, why personal branding is important. 

Now that we know what branding is, let's bust some of the top brand myths that could be holding you back from the many benefits of building your brand.

Myth #1: All You Need for a Personal Brand is a Logo

Your logo is NOT your brand!

And your logo should NEVER be the first step in the branding process.

The branding process begins long before any logos or other marketing materials are created. It begins by clarifying your brand personality, voice, audience and your personal style and presence.

Then, and only then, should you begin to do things like design your logo and put together your visual appearance.

Otherwise your logo will have no meaning, fall flat, be inconsistent with the rest of your brand, and not resonate with your ideal clients … not to mention, you probably won’t like it.

Even still, the visual design is what most people think of when they think of branding. While that definitely is part of it, it’s not the first (or even the most important) step in the branding process. 

Myth #2: Branding Requires You to Change Who You Are so Other People Like You 

Yes, it’s important to clarify your ideal client and know what resonates with them… but building a personal brand is never about changing who you are, especially not to meet anyone else’s expectations – even your ideal clients’. 

Now, I’m not denying that your ideal client is an important part of your business, and that you absolutely need to know everything you can about them. However, it’s not the FIRST thing you should be basing your brand and business off of – in fact, doing so can be deadly to your business in the long run, and to your happiness and fulfillment as an entrepreneur.

Wherever you are in your business and your branding, whether you’re just starting out or trying to rebrand, the first and most important thing you need to do is figure out who you are so you can attract the people who love, appreciate, and value you for YOU! 

You want your clients and community to love the real you.

And there’s no better way to do that than to show them your true colors up front.

Sure, this means you might lose some people (after all, you aren’t for everyone – no one is), but this is actually better for everyone. Attracting clients based on false expectations will never serve you or them in the long run.

With a service-based business like yours, the uniqueness of who you are is the secret ingredient to attracting clients who are the best fit.

Myth #3: Branding is Fake, Inauthentic, and Manipulative

This one is similar to the point above, but different because it puts the focus on manipulation to get people to buy. Unfortunately, I hear this one a lot. 

If done right, there’s no way your personal brand can be manipulative.

Your brand is about clarifying your truth and showing up consistently aligned with that truth everywhere you go. It’s not (necessarily) about getting sales, or looking a certain way to other people – especially not to “trick” them into liking you.

Yes, you’ll make more sales when you get clear about your brand, but not because you’re being manipulative. You’ll make more sales, because potential clients will be clear if they want to form a relationship with you by hiring you as your coach or joining your program.

Myth #4: Branding is Egotistical 

Maybe you're yelling at me through the computer right now, “But … My business isn’t about me, it’s about my clients. I’m here to serve my clients, not talk about myself!”

Ok, I get it, and in a way you’re right. We do need to consider our clients when building our brands. 

But trust me, starting with YOU will actually help you serve more people and make a bigger impact through your business!

Clarity sells, and a confused mind always says no. 

If potential clients don't "get" you, they'll go elsewhere to find help … they’ll go to someone who they feel clear and confident about. Your brand is what shows them who you are, and what you’re all about, in a way that’s clear and that resonates with your ideal client (note: it’s not going to resonate with everyone). 

If you’re clear about who you are as the face of your brand and show up consistently, you’ll get more YESES and ultimately be able to impact more lives – not egotistical at all! 

Myth #5: Branding Will Limit my Creative Expression

Your brand might put you in a box, but it’s a REALLY good box to be in. It’s the kind of box that feels so authentically YOU that you don’t need any other boxes.

In terms of creative expression, your brand helps you go deep with your creativity instead of skimming the surface in a bunch of different directions. Rather than limiting your creativity, it will give you guidance so you can create more meaningful, impactful products, experiences, services through your brand.

I can tell you from my own experience, that I have never felt more relief (and freedom) than when I got CLEAR about my personal brand – and I’ve heard this many times from my clients too.

Myth #6: It’s Not Okay to Mix Personal and Business in my Brand

As a service-based business owner, your brand can't succeed without you in it! You must position yourself as the face of your brand because YOU are your brand!

The biggest reason potential clients choose to work with you is because they resonate with YOU. If you don’t position yourself as the face of your brand, potential clients won’t be able to get a feel for who you are, or if you're someone they want to work with.

And part of that is going to be personal. 

As long as you make it relevant, it's ok to get personal in your brand!

Your brand is an authentic expression of YOU – both personal AND business! When you dare to get personal, you'll build greater trust with your clients and community which ultimately leads to more sales.

Note: The key word here is “relevant.” If you don’t make the personal relevant; like if you have an IG profile for your biz but all you post are pics of your lunch and dog, well then … you probably will lose followers and miss out on new clients because you’re not making the personal relevant.

Myth #7: You Can DIY Your Own Brand

If you’re a graphic designer with a deep understanding of brand strategy, as well as who you are and what you stand for … then just maybe.

But even if you’re a graphic designer, it can be difficult to see your brilliance from within your own limited perspective. It’s helpful to have an experienced branding expert, an outside party, who can help you see your beautiful blind spots and craft a brand that tells the complete story of you.

So, I hope this blog helped break down some of the most common branding myths, and now you can get started building your brand the right way, with the right perspectives.  

Don't stop here, though. I’m here to support you in creating a purposeful, archetypal brand that makes money AND makes a difference. Explore how we can work together here.

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