Brand Archetype Series: The Caregiver branding Aug 23, 2024

When it comes to building a business that you love showing up in each day and that naturally attracts your soulmate clients, understanding brand archetypes can be incredibly helpful. 

The twelve archetypes, first introduced by psychologist...

Brand Archetype Series: The Ruler branding Aug 01, 2024

When it comes to building a business that you love showing up in each day and that naturally attracts your soulmate clients, understanding brand archetypes can be incredibly helpful. 

The twelve archetypes, first introduced by psychologist...

Using Archetypes to Attract Your Soulmate Clients branding Jul 18, 2024

Do archetypes actually help you attract clients? How? Do my clients have to have the same archetype as me? 

*Take a deeeep breath…*

I hear you over there, all these questions buzzing through your head, not knowing how archetypes play...

Brand Archetype Series: The Jester branding Jun 13, 2024

When it comes to building a business that you love showing up in each day and that naturally attracts your soulmate clients, understanding brand archetypes can be incredibly helpful. 

The twelve archetypes, first introduced by psychologist...

Brand Archetype Series: The Lover branding May 24, 2024

When it comes to building a business that you love showing up in each day and that naturally attracts your soulmate clients, understanding brand archetypes can be incredibly helpful. 

The twelve archetypes, first introduced by psychologist...

Brand Archetype Series: The Everyperson branding May 03, 2024

When it comes to building a business that you love showing up in each day and that naturally attracts your soulmate clients, understanding brand archetypes can be incredibly helpful. 

The twelve archetypes, first introduced by psychologist...

You Are Not Your Brand branding leadership life Apr 05, 2024

If you’ve read anything from me before you might be doing a double take at that title – but I promise there are no typos: you are NOT your brand! 

Yes, your brand is a reflection of you, but it’s not YOU. 

I am a huge...

Brand Archetype Series: The Outlaw branding Mar 28, 2024

When it comes to building a business that you love showing up in each day and that naturally attracts your soulmate clients, understanding brand archetypes can be incredibly helpful. 

The twelve archetypes, first introduced by psychologist...

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