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The Power Profile - Coach & Profit Giveaway

Your Power Profile results will shed light on...

  • Your brand personality and show you which qualities and characteristics to amplify so you can stand out from your competitors.
  • Words unique to your brand personality, that you can use immediately in your website copy, social media posts and marketing materials to start building a memorable and recognizable voice in your industry.
  • The impact your brand has on your clients and community when you show up aligned with your Power Profile. 
  • Which colors to use in your logo, photos, website, clothing and marketing materials... colors that reflect your authentic personality and attract the clients you want to attract. 
  • The general look and feel of your Power Profile so you have an idea of how it translates to visual design.
  • Your Power Profile’s strengths and weaknesses so you can accentuate your strengths and be aware of the places you tend to struggle or get stuck.
  • Your brand values so you can use them to create connection and trust with your audience.
  • And so much more!